Family picture taken 1 week after diagnoses

Family picture taken 1 week after diagnoses

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A new beginning...

What an amazing day! I had a great day with the boys. Carter was thrilled that we had finally come around to "cubbies day" again. every morning he asks me, "is it cubbies day yet?". Every Wednesday evening he goes to his Awana class and learns new truths about Jesus Christ and is having a blast memorizing God's Word. Praise the Lord! I did not expect this. Last year he bawled for the first couple weeks till I decided that in my pregnant and tired state I couldn't do the whole Awana thing just yet. I felt a strong determination that THIS year, we would persevere through any tear. :) But to my delight there was not a tear to be seen on that sweet boy.
   When Carter and Alton woke up from their naps they went outside with their traditional after-nap popscicle. Carter and I chatted about how the weather is getting cooler. I told him that I smelled fall in the air. it's time for sweaters and hats and long pants. So he asked me to go and get his hat and scarf, "Alton's too", he hollered after me. Alton did NOT want to wear his though :). He doesn't always follow Carter's program. :)

After popsicles and swinging. We headed inside to fold laundry and watch The Bible Boat, on Alton's request. While watching, Carter out of the blue asks me, "Mom, can you show me how to go to heaven and talk to God? Please, Mom? Please?" "Is this it?, I asked myself. The moment Lewis and I have prayed for since finding out that we were going to have our first baby. Carter didn't wait for my answer before he found something else to do. "don't push it, Kerri" a still soft voice said. "Let me make you see that it is ME and not YOU that draws their little hearts". So I let it go. Only to have Carter bring it up again just a few minutes later. We talked for a bit about the verses that he has been learning in cubbies and I used those to show him that we all need Jesus and can't go to heaven without Him. "I want to do that, Mom" "right now?" I asked. "Yeah, but I don't know what to say. Can you help me?"  So Carter gave his life to Jesus on this cool Fall feeling day in September. September 8th, 2010. I shall never forget this day. Because this is the day that it really begins.
 A new day, a new season, a new life to live.

This is Carter's first week with his vest and cubbies bag. He was so anxious to get them and so excited to wear the vest for the first time. After getting all suited up he asked me, "Can you please take a picture of me, Mom?"
I was planning to anyways :)

he turnes to the side so that I am sure to get the bag in ther too.

When we get home Carter carefully hangs the vest and bag on the back of his chair. These are to precious of items to be thrown on the floor like an unwanted jacket or hat. I hope that he learns to treasure the verses that he is hiding in his heart in the same manor.

A late after-Awana-snack. They are always famished when we get home. Making bedtime around 10pm. I'm sure to have grumpy boys on Thursday mornings. It's worth it.

9:00 p.m...  Yes, definately worth it!
What an amazing day!!!


  1. Wonderful Kerri! His little feet are on the right path. The faithful obedience you and Lewis have demonstrated to the boys has clearly made a huge impact.

  2. It's no wonder Jesus said for us to be as little children, is it? What a wonderful day you had!

  3. PRAISE HIM!!!!! We are all so happy for Carter and you guys!!!! I can see Jesus in his smile in that last pic!!! Wow, what a blessing!!! Love u all!!!!
