Family picture taken 1 week after diagnoses

Family picture taken 1 week after diagnoses

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas (part 2)

Well, at least Christmas Eve. We go over to Papa and Coco's in our pj's and have breakfast and then open presents before heading home to gather our food and presents for the next gathering that evening with the other side of the family. The night before we prayed for gracious and thankful hearts. I talked to the boys about how each gift was thoughtfully picked out for them and And that we also should be happy for our other family members to receive their gifts. On the drive over I schooled the boys on how to respond. They did really well. All of the kids did. We took turns opening the gifts and I smiled as Carter would get so excited for Josie to get a princess dress. He had listened well. I only heard one "I want one of those" which a quiet reminder silenced quickly. It wasn't Josie's princess dress. Just thought I should clear that up :).

A picture says a thousand words. I love the unspoken words that go with this one

Brothers and best friends

oops... forgot to take the red out.

Alton's first present of the season and he would have been perfectly content with just that.

Our little Tinkerbell... Brynnie
Marshmallow guns
Christmas JOY
Natalie's first Tea Set... she's checking out the marshmallow guns

What a cutie!

Menso gathering on Christmas Eve evening.
Alton's perch at the food table. He spent a lot of time there. :) Lot's of yummy food.


  1. LOVE these!!! Thanks for sharing, looks like you guys had an incredible time :)

  2. miss u all so much looking at these :O)

  3. adorable. you are such a cute and fun mommy. great family foto and fun family time. I missed mine soo much this year....especially cause last Christmas I was visiting Jair here in I missed 2 Christmas' :::( <3 you guys. Happy 2011.
